Alchemy and Eschatology, Part 3: Mass Depopulation Psychosis
Political alchemists want you to believe that the Earth is overpopulated, here's why.
Most of what follows I had already written before deciding that it belonged as a sequel to my rambling shit-piece about political alchemy. Look, my entire blog is just one massive stream-of-consciousness rant about weird beliefs and their consequences with no real direction on account of the fact that I am constantly being distracted by my need to do things like eat. That being said, if you are new here, or simply new to this subject, you should read the previous instalment, otherwise certain passages later on are not going to make any sense.
Over the course of my life, the human population of planet Earth has increased from 6 billion to 8 billion, or roughly 30%. Throughout all that time, I had been hearing “there are too many people, we cannot keep this up” from my mother, my university professors, and my fellow dissidents. Now that this narrative has gone mainstream, I’m not so sure this is the case.
Yes, I was aware of the Georgia guidestones long before they were demolished. No, I will not be bringing them up, because I think they were a red herring.
Before I get further into this subject, credit where credit is due: it was Demi Pietchell of
who introduced me to the phrase “mass depopulation psychosis” in one of her responses……to some of my shenanigans, specifically the wackiest article anyone has ever seen that is neither satire nor the ramblings of a paranoid schizophrenic:
The Amazing Dialectical Circus
Anyway, let us assume, for the sake of argument, that there are, indeed, too many people on the planet. Over-population is not a problem everywhere, rather, it is concentrated in a few small regions:
The most populous country is India, followed closely by China, both of which have around 1.4 billion people each. Yes, India passed China by a few years ago, and the Chinese Communist Party is not happy about it. Having the largest population was a point of national pride for China, just as being the largest country geographically is a point of national pride for Russia. However, when it comes to the globalist degrowth narrative, what do we see? Nary a peep about either country.
The fact that the people pushing the over-population narrative the hardest clearly do not believe it themselves is why it needs to be questioned. If anthropogenic climate change were such an existential threat, why are the people pushing that narrative buying oceanfront mansions? Easy: they are lying. Even if everything they say is true, the message is a lie because it is being used deceptively, either for the purpose of reverse psychology or to maintain the entrenched class structure; hard to say which, doesn’t matter anyway. At this point, I don’t think I need to explain further, because my readers are all well aware of the Great Replacement, we have the receipts, we know that this is what the WEF and their useful idiots are peddling; Caucasian extinction. Why? Because Caucasians are the most difficult to control. Mind you, some are more difficult to control than others; Germans have much more authoritarian tendencies than Slavs and Anglos, for example, but even the krauts have their limits when it comes to authoritarian governments. Nonetheless, the globalists have admitted that they want to engineer a new population of smaller, weaker, and more submissive people in order for this project to work.
The owners of this country don't want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation. - George Carlin
If the globalist elites are priming people to accept mass sterilisation and even genocide, then a wave of paranoia that “they want to kill us all,” is a perfectly rational response to what has been the progressive project for over a hundred years now. The progressive goal, for the past hundred years, has been to homogenise the human population and create a “universal man,” a species in which any two individuals are completely interchangeable. The weird part is that, in their belief that history is cyclical, they think that the “universal man” is the ancestor of humanity, a primordial man, you could say. And just like them, I’m going to circle back to one of my earliest Substack articles and remind you that this is a remarkably old idea:
Adam Kadmon, Tabula Rasa
So, why is this? Why is it that the progressives are attempting to systematically whittle down humanity in an attempt to revive a primordial man that probably never existed to begin with? Aren’t they supposed to be the “pro-science, anti-superstition” crowd? Anti-superstition, maybe, but certainly not pro-science.
From late 18th century through the mid 20th century, western civilisation had been firmly under the control of three distinct groups of thinkers: clergymen, secular intellectuals, and occultists. The people who want to own the world hold some bizarre ideas, ideas which they know would get them laughed at if people knew about them. If you have ever heard the statement “millionaires don’t believe in astrology, but billionaires do,” now you know why it exists. Only in the late 20th century was there a major transformation as the influence of the clergy declined, and a new state religion disguised as secular philosophy began to take its place, thus the clergy and secular intellectuals were blended back into each other. This is represented by The Cathedral, a term which I first heard on the Podcast of the
in 2022 and started using immediately. Little did I know the term had been coined a decade earlier by . It is, in short, the cult of journalism and academia, but it is meant to fulfil a similarly all-encompassing role in society that the mediaeval church did. The first universities were established by the Roman Catholic Church for the purpose of educating the clergy. The Church also distributed news to the commoners. “Propaganda,” a word with entirely negative connotations in the modern day, is derived from “propagare,” a Latin word meaning “to spread, enlarge, or increase,” and is one letter different from “propagate.” The secular liberal era of history was an anomaly in which the functions of church and academy were separate, but we now know, given the rise of a new secular religion to take the place of Christianity, that this was nothing more than a transitional period from a Christian theocracy to a Gnostic one. Again, refer to the alchemical process of de-construction and re-construction.Your leftists in the United States - all these professors and all these beautiful civil rights defenders - they are instrumental in the process of this subversion, only to destabilize a nation. When their job is completed, they are not needed anymore. They know too much. Some of them, when they see that the Marxist-Leninist has come to power, obviously they get offended. They think that they will come to power. That will never happen of course. They will be lined up against the wall and shot. - Yuri Bezmenov
The transition from one theocracy to another did not take place until after Gnosticism had itself transitioned, first by merging with Hermeticism, and then later by adopting a veneer of atheism and replacing God with “The Idea.” This in turn gave rise to a philosophy called Actualism, now called Actual Idealism. Idealists, be they actualist or otherwise, will not hesitate to admit that they despise realism because of their own consequentialist way of looking at the world.
Speaking of Actualism, there is one aspect of political alchemy that I neglected to mention in the previous instalment of this series, but I ended up elaborating on here:
When to Look Back
…and the gist of it is that political theories based in dialectical materialism always have three components which are analogous to the Tria Prima of salt, sulphur, and mercury, representing, respectively, the body, soul, and mind, and the concepts of stability, combustibility, and fusibility. In this variety of political theory, the body is the economy, the soul is the scope of politics, and the mind is the guiding philosophy that binds the two together into the totalitarian state. Actualism in particular is the guiding philosophy of Italian Fascism, which is also comprised of nationalism and syndicalism. “Wokism,” a subset of neo-Marxism, is comprised of internationalism, socialism, and a guiding philosophy of queer anarchy. Were it not for
, I wouldn’t know about the last one, because as I routinely mention, I was never “woke;” I was a Nazbol, which the woke despise almost as much as “fascists.” Queer anarchy is an entire rabbit hole unto itself, and if you want to know more, you’re best off asking her about it, but the gist of it is de-constructing everything we know about biology and the social dynamics that result from it. It is the ethics of Marxism applied outside the field of economics, seeking to abolish forms of hierarchy other than class. This flows outward from the individual to the family and the nation, so while wokists have a lot of the same ideas as Karl Marx, seeking to abolish the nation, private property, and even the family, their philosophy takes a different route to come to the same conclusion: negation of the real.A negation of the real has already taken place in China. Everything about China is fake, everything its government says is a lie. One of these most pernicious lies is that China is “a leader in green energy,” despite burning more coal than any other nation on Earth. The old joke goes “why doesn’t China care about climate change? Because it is already Communist.” However, it’s a little more complicated than that. China is on the verge of a massive demographic collapse, and despite the recent introduction of a three-child policy, Chinese people are not getting married and starting families, because they cannot afford to. Birth rates in China are at the same level now as they were in 1961, when the country was experiencing a nation-wide famine, and long before the infamous one-child policy.
India is an entirely different kettle of fish. India’s population is still growing, but even there, birth rates are declining, and the population will eventually stabilise, just as it did in Europe and the Americas. This is a natural consequence of the country becoming wealthier, thanks in part to foreign investment. India will eventually supplant China as the world’s factory, and in some sectors, already has. Despite the rigid caste system, there is far greater economic mobility in India because of its mostly free market, in stark contrast to the stagnating state-controlled Chinese economy. China is beginning to shut out the western world per the orders of nationalist dictator Xi Jinping, and this, rather than the Uyghur genocide or Falun Gong organ harvesting, is the reason that the globalist oligarchs aren’t happy with China right now. If the globalist oligarchs truly cared about human rights violations, they would jump all over it as soon as finding out about it, rather than remaining suspiciously silent on the matter (and even silencing others who bring it up) until the exact moment that the government committing them stops playing nice with the oligarchy. “Muh human rights” are nothing more than a way to tug on heartstrings in order to manipulate the public and, more importantly, politicians into supporting regime change efforts. In fact, I suspect that the reason globalist oligarchs like murderous dictators is solely because they can use their mass graves to blackmail them into compliance. The big club doesn’t like when people who don’t have criminal pasts get into politics, because having dirt on each other is how they keep each other in line.
What is a politician if not someone who can easily confuse a pile of corpses for a soapbox?
Anyway, the globalist oligarchs not only don’t believe the Earth is over-populated, they simply don’t care; they want educated people to believe that the Earth is over-populated, so that they will sterilise and even kill themselves of their own volition, making the replacement quicker and easier. As the bureaucracy expands to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy, a constantly growing population is required to keep the horrendously inefficient system going. It is, as Carl Benjamin pointed out, a pyramid scheme, and the proverbial pyramid of endless growth is a literal temple. The bureaucracy, a.k.a. the Leviathan, is manufacted deity, a conscious entity above any single human, and it has a strong sense of self-preservation. The extermination and ultimate replacement of the people who originally created the bureaucracy is nothing more than a natural immune response to the organism poisoning its own body. Just as Americans are addicted to the slow death of fast food, Europeans are addicted to the slow death of welfare programs. It should, therefore, be no surprise that the bureaucratic state is currently experiencing a massive auto-immune response by “its own people” turning against it. It will do everything it can to fight against people who gain political power for the sole purpose of trimming away the fat. The banks, corporations, and government agencies are all organs of the Leviathan. This is not merely my analogy, this is an admission of the statists; they see us ordinary people are mere cells, and those of us who do not do our best to serve “the system” are considered a cancer, a disease in need of removal. Even if we choose to disconnect and not take any money from the system, our mere existence is seen as a drain, as we are “stealing” resources from “the collective.” Statist apologists are both relentless and unreasonable, as they are nothing more than the system’s antibodies. Have you control over your own immune system? Of course not, but just as the immune system works without a conscious directive from the brain, there are people who claim not to support the current system but nonetheless work in its favour: political reformists, people who think that the problem isn’t big government, but bad government, as if those two things aren’t inherently synonymous. Side note: big government is not synonymous with strong government, in fact I’d argue they are opposites given the sheer impotence of big government at solving the real problems the nation faces but remarkable efficiency at shutting down productive activities. He who manages least, manages best.
So, where am I going with all this nonsense? Simple: it’s not the end of the world, it’s the end of the world as we know it. The norms of the past hundred years are quickly being overturned. The liberal world order and even the republican form of government are now being seriously questioned. The “progressives” are nothing more than the old guard, defenders of an antiquated and crumbling system built on foundations whose inherent fragility is becoming increasingly apparent over time. They are dogmatic glitterati terrified of fading into irrelevance, rather than having any genuine concern about the future of human civilisation. The future belongs to people willing to make something new. Keep traditions if they work, plenty of them do, but we cannot simply go back to the way things once were. With that out of the way, I’m done bitching about the establishment for a while, time to do something more productive!