Many topics I’ve written about need to be broken up into an entire series of articles simply because of the sheer mountain of information I have swimming around in the veritable hellscape that is my twisted mind, never mind all the books I own but haven’t yet read. Alchemy is no exception.
This primary inspiration for this series was an article by
:But Sasha! Nathalie is talking about a Jewish legend, how does alchemy relate to this?!
Simple, Sammy Strawman: there is a mystic tradition known as Kabbalah (also spelled Qabalah), which is most commonly associated with Judaism, but there are many versions of it, including a Hermetic version, which is where the mystical side of alchemy comes from. This is powerful knowledge, and in the wrong hands, dangerous. In fact, the entire thesis of this article…
Adam Kadmon, Tabula Rasa
…is that the bastardisation and misuse of a very specific esoteric concept is behind modern-day social engineering, which is not only impossible to achieve, but evil to even attempt for several different reasons. However, rather than try to gatekeep this knowledge in the interest of keeping it out of the wrong hands, I like to take the opposite approach: make as many people familiar with this obscure knowledge so that they can recognise it when they see it. The people trying to bring about “the end of history” are not “scientific materialists,” not least because there is no such thing as scientific materialism, but because they are using twisted versions of alchemical concepts in order to bring about their vision of utopia, one in which history stops, and there is only an eternal paradise in which nothing ever changes; a party that never ends with a host who never sleeps, if you will.
However, the subject of alchemy as it relates to eschatology is far too broad for a single article. Therefore, there will be at least two parts: the first will focus inward, on the soul, the second will focus outward, on politics, and others will follow as I think of them (or as they are requested). The first of these is more complicated, and will draw heavily from the Corpus Hermeticum, which predates alchemy as we know it by several centuries. It’s a dense text, mind you, so I’ll try to dissect the relevant bits in the first instalment, Alchemy and Eschatology, Part 1: the Soul.
Alchemy and Eschatology, Part 1: The Soul
The second article, Alchemy and Eschatology, Part 2: Politics, will show the precise series of triads that add up into the great circle that is supposed to be the pre-determined history of humanity. Who knows, I may even have to divide this into two parts, because while I do plan to elaborate on the occult origins of everything that the World Economic Forum is currently peddling, the current grand conspiracy goes back over a century, exposed in Eric Voegelin’s 1959 book titled Wissenschaft, Politik und Gnosis, which was translated into English in 1968 under the title Science, Politics, and Gnosticism. Θα δούμε…
…και να δούμε ότι το κάναμε. Before even completing the second instalment,
introduced me to the term “mass depopulation psychosis,” which I started work on before deciding that it needed to have Alchemy and Eschatology, Part 3 added to its title.Alchemy and Eschatology, Part 3: Mass Depopulation Psychosis
Now, before anyone accuses me of being a “doomer,” and that I think everything is pre-determined and there is no fighting against the “elites,” there is a grain of truth to the notion that no-one is really in control; the architects of the utopian project borne out of the Enlightenment are all dead, and the current crop of utopians really don’t know what they’re doing. In fact, the entire movement has splintered into multiple competing factions, just as Gnosticism itself has splintered into dozens, if not hundreds, of smaller cults which all hate each other and are constantly competing to occupy the top floor of the metaphorical Dark Tower under whose shadow we all live. There can be only one Dark Lord, and he does not share power.
Anyway, that’s all for now, I would have found a way to stretch this article out, but I have a lot of stuff to do. I didn’t choose the lawnmower repair business, it chose me. Check out my Notes if you want to see what I’m up to, I’ll probably have pictures later today.