Degrowth Is Not Decentralisation
The localist movement is not the product of the globalist agenda, but a reaction to it
I’m used to seeing leftists and third positionists attack the simple life, but I never thought I’d see it from my own side:
It’s no secret that I positively adore
, but she’s wrong here. That is all, na shledanou!I’m fucking with you, of course I’m going to elaborate. The localist movement has been around since LOOOOOONG before the coof, it simply spiked in popularity because of the bloody lockdowns making urbanites go absolutely insane. In order to understand the localist movement, you would need to understand how things were generally done in the pre-industrial era, and how that can be potentially replicated in the modern day without having to sacrifice the comforts offered by modern technology. I have gone over this twice now, so if you’d like some history lessons, click off for some entertaining and informative articles (with video!).
Decentralise or DIE
On the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Done? Smashing, let’s continue. With everything I’ve explained and predicted thus far, let’s contrast that with the absolutely asinine utopian vision of the progressive globalist oligarchs. Seriously, progs are so insanely envious of people who can actually do stuff that they want to kill us all, but they will always frame their hatred as compassionate condescension. To hear them tell it, people who live in rural areas think they way we do because we all suffer brain damage due to the lead pipes in our houses… which is not true, lead pipes have never been used in rural areas (wood and terra cotta were most common prior to the introduction of iron, copper, and PEX), but as I said in one of my many articles lambasting progressives, they think anyone who isn’t on board with their agenda is simply “behind,” owing to the progressive monopoly on political discourse for the past two centuries. Here’s the deal: lead pipes were used in cities in ages past, one of the contributing factors to problems that cities used to have but that the countryside never did. Yes, I could also prattle on about the history of urban sanitation over the past two millennia if you’d like, but by all means, call me an “ignorant country bumpkin” and fling your laptop across the room in a fit of impotent rage at the realisation that an educated person doesn’t share your politics instead.
Ёбаные бездельники.
Anyway, the globalist agenda is degrowth, that much is obvious, but it is also coupled with total centralisation, both geographical and political. Stick a pin in that, because there is a broader truth that I’ll need to come back to. What they want is to get people out of suburbs and the countryside and into rabbit hutches called “fifteen minute cities.” They do this via carrot-and-stick incentives, as with everything else, initially selling it as “convenient,” but then quickly switching to a much more coercive approach to get the last few stragglers on to “the right side of history.” Does it work? No, there is no such thing as the right side of history, that’s why people are so damn defiant in the face of political teleologists. Lysenkovshchina is bullshit, social engineering doesn’t work, end of story, good-bye, the end! Any questions? Good.
The misconception of degrowth being a synonym for decentralisation seems to come from the schizophrenic nature of the globalist proposal - owing to its over-arching philosophy of dialectical materialism - which promotes a form of pseudo-decentralistion (as practised in the USSR and at several points in the history of the PRC), atomising the world of tomorrow into isolated cities surrounded by completely de-populated wilderness. Because conventional agriculture would be abolished in favour of industrial hydroponic gardens and cricket feedlots, there won’t be enough food to feed the numbers of people currently alive, and this is by design. Local communities formed organically? No, there would be none of that, everything would be centrally planned by psychotic neo-gnostic priests who receive their directives from the proverbial Dark Tower while their goblins scour the Shire.
The Tolkien references will continue until the Ring of Power is destroyed.
Anyway, I think I know where the idea that homesteading is a globalist psyop comes from, and that is a bit of propaganda that I started seeing on YouTube called “performative poverty / exposing homesteaders.” Here’s why it exists:
Step 1: oligarchs fuck with economic policy, making everything more expensive.
Step 2: people buy less stuff and start doing more for themselves.
Step 3: people get good at doing things for themselves and start making DIY content.
Step 4: leftists, the biggest victims of the system and also the biggest simps for it, seek out DIY content for the sole purpose of muckraking.
Step 5: muckrakers cherry-pick off-grid grifters (e.g. copycats of Primitive Technology) and heirs to billion-dollar fortunes in an Oregon Trail LARP and compare them to Marie Antoinette in order to generate outrage.
Step 6: useful idiots end up believing that people who grow food are the problem with society and support government policies that make farming and even gardening more difficult.
Step 7: massive fucking famine, population drops.
Step 8: rinse and repeat until the oligarchs are the only people left or until the rest of us finally get rid of them.
In other words, this is yet more misdirection, just as I discussed in my previous article. Bear in mind that “useful idiots” are not necessarily stupid people. In fact, as unpopular as this opinion may be, I would argue that leftists aren’t stupid, merely delusional. They overestimate their own intelligence and underestimate the intelligence of those with whom they disagree. Also, some leftists are just plain evil. I used to be part of this cult, trust me, I know how they think. They are motivated by envy, which is why they unironically favour everyone being equally poor over being unequally rich. In their minds, the ultimate equaliser is the abolition of property, the very definition of communism. Well, how do you abolish property if some people are capable of making their own? You have to kill us, they know this, and they would very much like to. Homesteaders aren’t useful idiots for the left, they hate us even more than they hate billionaires, I know because they’ve told me directly. But enough about why I want
shut down. Whoa there, don’t know why that slipped out, I’m saving that rant for another day!Anyway, that pin I mentioned earlier: there are multiple forms of centralisation, so of course, there are multiple forms of decentralisation. The more politically-minded localists advocate for not only geographic decentralisation, but also political decentralisation (bottom-up governance and separation of powers) and economic decentralisation (free markets). Despite the reputation of dissidents to be defined by their opposite, therefore facilitating ease of dismissal of us being nothing at all, I would say that defining localists as “anti-urban, anti-state, and anti-corporation” is part of the problem. Defining groups of people by what they oppose is the direct consequence of leftist thinking having monopolistic control over discourse. The right creates, the left re-distributes, simple as. What was that Tolkien quote about evil not being able to create anything new? Scrap that mindset! It would be better to define localists as “in favour of organic communities instead of centrally planned societies, in favour of voluntary cooperation and free enterprise with a focus on action rather than management or analysis.” Nowhere in this definition is any suggestion that we think cities should all be razed to the ground and humanity should return to monkey.
I’ll conclude by pointing something out which ought to be immutably obvious: people who think differently don’t seem to understand each other’s mere existence. Extroverts really can’t understand introverts and vice versa (the single biggest difference between Rachel and myself, incidentally). Utopians don’t understand rationalists, urbanites don’t understand rural people, nature lovers don’t understand tech-heads, westerners don’t understand easterlings, the list goes on. At the end of the day, the only distinction that really matters are the people who are willing to let others live their own lives as they see fit, and the people who want to control how others live. Thank you for coming to my TED talk, now please go away.
Why are you still here?
Perfectly said. Ex-urbanite pseudo-homesteader here, currently living on bare land as I build a house and estate for my family the hard way. I sometimes miss the pound and pulse of the city, but would never trade out the contact with nature, the immense satisfaction of building and making things, or the elbow room.
Cities, like amusement parks, are for visiting and enjoying...occasionally ;-)
A homesteader with a hectare of land is operating a self-repairing 10 megawatt solar collector! What’s not to love??